Welcome to United States Government & Civics
The goal of this course is to foster informed, responsible participation in public life. Knowing how to be a good citizen is essential to the preservation and improvement of the United States. At the end of this semester, you will understand the major ideas, protections, rights, structures, and economic systems that affect the life of a citizen in the United States.
Additionally, each student (8th grade only) will have the opportunity to take the U.S. Citizenship test, which is a requirement to graduate from High School in the state of Utah. This course will be the best way to help you prepare for the test.
In my classes, I utilize Canvas to post what we do in class each day as well as post copies of the assignments given that day. This means if you are absent from class you will need to check Canvas to see what you need to complete. I do my best to have Canvas updated each day, I typically will have this done no later than the end of the school day, so please be patient.
You can access the Scholar Academy Canvas page here.
In our class, we will be doing a lot of reading and writing, be prepared! Make sure you bring with you to class something to write with and something to take notes on. It is not my responsibility to provide these for you.
Classroom Donations:
If you would like to donate supplies to our classroom, I would greatly appreciate them.
College Ruled Paper
Dry Erase Markers(Crayola or Expo are preferred)
I also have an Amazon Classroom list created of classroom supplies as well as other useful supplies or tools that could be used in the classroom. That list can be found here.